
Monday, May 13, 2013

I finished it 15 days ago.

I finished it 15 days ago and didn't put it up. I finished it, I postmarked it on the very last day! I barely made it and I did it in one weekend. I had to skip a color. My inks were terrible and they flaked and got sticky and made splotchy lines! BUT BUT I did it. I made an art guys!

I made an art and I'm so excited. After being art barren for two years since I left college and art was my life I haven't filled a sketch book, picked up a brush or anything. My teachers would be so disappointed in me so I made sure to disappear off the face of the earth. I graduated summa cum laude from an art school and promptly stopped making art. Maybe it was a detox period.

It did sort of turn out like an "Expectation: Reality" meme. I had a great digital image for which I USED ****ING PHOTOSHOP. How's that for moving up huh? You know the meme where it has the cookie monster cupcake done perfectly and then someone's horrible melted version next to it.

The original design was so awesome- until I had to do it REALLY TINY and didn't have the right equipment. Plus the ink drama posted above. I was tired. Also I procrastinated until I ran out of time. The one good thing I had going was my incredible awesome paper. I'll do a followup with the print and the image it was based off of in the next week. 

For a tiny 4 inch jigsaw print it was ok though, and I'm still proud of it. I feel like I want to do other ones since I still have the template to print them on, but with a simpler knot design or something. The jigsaw print is one of my favorite things to work with. In due time I will redo this print larger. 

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