
Monday, March 28, 2011

The NHIA Minumental Exhibition

Every year my college-The New Hampshire Institute of Art- does an exhibition of 2"x2" artwork- this year I did a cute little relief print- I hand painted and printed each little one so they are each unique and different. I think they look cool together in a triptiych, there are several that I like. The print is a little Echeveria plant that has gently rouged leaf tips. The colors and rose-like design remind me of vintage type tattoos a little bit. Sadly, due to snow and a not-so-public rain date to drop off submissions these little guys didn't make it into the show. Maybe next year!

These little prints coincide with my current body of work focused on my beloved house plants, of which I have at least twenty. I am going through a phase of life where, bereft of pets, I have taken on plants as a kind of overt obsession. I own many succulents and know how to take care of anything from a tropical pitcher plant to grass. I know when to plant and fertilize black eyes susans, and I know when it is time to begin watering your lithops in the spring. I think the first little relief print is my favorite for its subtle pink and changes in green.
Check out some plant related paintings and in progress work at the Painting tab above, or if you too are a plant hoarder check out my blog- occasionally updated with new plant facts I have found scouring the internet, updates on how mine are doing and new additions/the occasional death.

1 comment:

  1. The minumental prints are really nice. Would be great to see them in real. They seem simple yet detailed all at once.
